quarta-feira, janeiro 19, 2011 | By: Katherine Elizabeth de Orleans e Bragança

A little poem for you (not that I'm good at it) - So?

I can’t breathe
I can’t relax
I can’t concentrate
I can’t live
I’ve never lived
I’m looking forward to find out what is life anyways.
I’m curious,
Are you alive?
I’m not so sure
Everybody is blind
What matters if you’re full of life,
If you’re empty of spirit?
What matters if you’re here,
If you’re not?
Why are you so scared?
Death can’t come
Until you start living.
Why are you so scared?
What are you so afraid of?
Oh, ok
We all are.
sábado, janeiro 08, 2011 | By: Katherine Elizabeth de Orleans e Bragança
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. 
Dr. Seuss